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Why Wait?

There is a scene in The Traveler (Within and Without Time - Book II) where Jimmy is anxious to begin on the mission that God has given him. His angel-warrior friend, Chozeq (pronounced Kozek), is counseling him about the importance of waiting for God’s perfect timing.

“Perhaps the most difficult of God’s commands is that which He gave to Moses before the Red Sea: ‘Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.’” He looked at me with a gaze that seemed to emanate wisdom. “He has bidden thee to go from strength to strength, and so thou shalt, and neither death nor hell shall turn thee from thy course. What harm is it if for a while thou art called to stand still, to renew thy strength for a greater advance in due time?”

I couldn’t stop myself from arguing the point. “But isn’t time short? Shouldn’t we be working? The night is coming soon!”

“Aye, Lad. Yet it is merely impatience that cries, ‘do something.’ ‘Stir yourself.’ Impatience warns that to stand still and wait is sheer idleness. This urge to be doing something at once is, in truth, a thought that ye must do it — instead of looking to thy Master. Forget not that it is He who will not only do something but will do everything!”

I got his point but couldn’t seem to stop myself from wrestling with his words. “But isn’t that what faith is? Shouldn’t we believe in God’s promise and press forward, even when we can’t see?”

“Faith must not be confused with presumption. It is impudence that boasts that ye may march into the sea and expect a miracle. Faith listens not to presumption, nor to despair, nor to cowardice, nor impatience, but it hears God say, ‘Stand still,’ and then stands, immovable as a rock.

“Yet, take heed to remain diligent. In thy standing ye must keep the posture of a soldier at attention, ready for action, expecting the orders that will surely come, cheerfully and patiently awaiting God’s directing voice; and it will not be long ere He shall say to you, as He did to Moses: ‘Go forward!’” (*)

But they that wait for Jehovah shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.

Isaiah 40:31 ASV

There is a beautiful lesson in this admonition. In the timing of God's deeds He takes into account our need for renewal and rest. He understands our human limits and frailty, yet holds us in such high esteem that He waits for us before moving His own hand.

Sometimes we need rest, other times it is repentant hearts, training or maturity that we need in order to be properly used for His work. At times the preparation is needed in other people’s lives before God is ready to move forward.

Spiritual transformation doesn’t take place when we get what we want. It takes place while we’re waiting. It is forged in us while we’re waiting, hoping, and trusting, even though we have yet to receive what we long for. Spiritual transformation happens in the waiting room. FaithGateway

If you’re struggling with a major decision or praying anxiously for God to do something that He promised you He’d do – here is His admonition: '...wait for Jehovah.'

(*) The Traveler: Within and Without Time - Book II
Exodus 14:13

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