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A Mission Rarely Given 

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“It is a rare calling God has for thee, a mission rarely given.”*
~ The Angel, Chozeq

* From: The Time of His Choosing: (Within & Without Time Book 5)


​Jimmy’s thrilling journey in time thrusts him into the midst of crucial history, as he and Anna soon find themselves playing a role in events that will change the world for centuries to come. From his unique vantage point within time, Jimmy glimpses God’s intricate planning for the world’s final days, amazed as he realizes how far God has gone to prepare those upon whom the end of the age will come.


History is rushing toward a dramatic conclusion prophesied thousands of years ago. Chaos and evil are bringing America and the world to a breaking point as global powers conspire to seize control, threatening the cause of freedom everywhere. 


Follow the breathtaking adventure as Jimmy and a team of unlikely heroes battle overwhelming forces of darkness and unleash extraordinary Heavenly power, confronting events that propel the world toward the End of the Age.


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